Run-time Types

Types can be represented at run-time. To create a type value, use the constructor function Type<T>(), which accepts the static type as a type argument.

This is similar to e.g. T.self in Swift, T::class in Kotlin, and T.class in Java.

For example, to represent the type Int at run-time:

let intType: Type = Type<Int>()

This works for both built-in and user-defined types. For example, to get the type value for a resource:

resource Collectible {}

let collectibleType = Type<@Collectible>()

// `collectibleType` has type `Type`

Type values are comparable.

Type<Int>() == Type<Int>()

Type<Int>() != Type<String>()

The function fun isInstance(_ type: Type): Bool can be used to check if a value has a certain type, using the concrete run-time type, and considering subtyping rules,

// Declare a variable named `collectible` that has the *static* type `Collectible`
// and has a resource of type `Collectible`
let collectible: @Collectible <- create Collectible()

// The resource is an instance of type `Collectible`,
// because the concrete run-time type is `Collectible`
collectible.isInstance(Type<@Collectible>())  // is `true`

// The resource is an instance of type `AnyResource`,
// because the concrete run-time type `Collectible` is a subtype of `AnyResource`
collectible.isInstance(Type<@AnyResource>())  // is `true`

// The resource is *not* an instance of type `String`,
// because the concrete run-time type `Collectible` is *not* a subtype of `String`
collectible.isInstance(Type<String>())  // is `false`

Note that the concrete run-time type of the object is used, not the static type.

// Declare a variable named `something` that has the *static* type `AnyResource`
// and has a resource of type `Collectible`
let something: @AnyResource <- create Collectible()

// The resource is an instance of type `Collectible`,
// because the concrete run-time type is `Collectible`
something.isInstance(Type<@Collectible>())  // is `true`

// The resource is an instance of type `AnyResource`,
// because the concrete run-time type `Collectible` is a subtype of `AnyResource`
something.isInstance(Type<@AnyResource>())  // is `true`

// The resource is *not* an instance of type `String`,
// because the concrete run-time type `Collectible` is *not* a subtype of `String`
something.isInstance(Type<String>())  // is `false`

For example, this allows implementing a marketplace sale resource:

pub resource SimpleSale {

    /// The resource for sale.
    /// Once the resource is sold, the field becomes `nil`.
    pub var resourceForSale: @AnyResource?

    /// The price that is wanted for the purchase of the resource.
    pub let priceForResource: UFix64

    /// The type of currency that is required for the purchase.
    pub let requiredCurrency: Type
    pub let paymentReceiver: Capability<&{FungibleToken.Receiver}>

    /// `paymentReceiver` is the capability that will be borrowed
    /// once a valid purchase is made.
    /// It is expected to target a resource that allows depositing the paid amount
    /// (a vault which has the type in `requiredCurrency`).
        resourceForSale: @AnyResource,
        priceForResource: UFix64,
        requiredCurrency: Type,
        paymentReceiver: Capability<&{FungibleToken.Receiver}>
    ) {
        self.resourceForSale <- resourceForSale
        self.priceForResource = priceForResource
        self.requiredCurrency = requiredCurrency
        self.paymentReceiver = paymentReceiver

    destroy() {
        // When this sale resource is destroyed,
        // also destroy the resource for sale.
        // Another option could be to transfer it back to the seller.
        destroy self.resourceForSale

    /// buyObject allows purchasing the resource for sale by providing
    /// the required funds.
    /// If the purchase succeeds, the resource for sale is returned.
    /// If the purchase fails, the program aborts.
    pub fun buyObject(with funds: @FungibleToken.Vault): @AnyResource {
        pre {
            // Ensure the resource is still up for sale
            self.resourceForSale != nil: "The resource has already been sold"
            // Ensure the paid funds have the right amount
            funds.balance >= self.priceForResource: "Payment has insufficient amount"
            // Ensure the paid currency is correct
            funds.isInstance(self.requiredCurrency): "Incorrect payment currency"

        // Transfer the paid funds to the payment receiver
        // by borrowing the payment receiver capability of this sale resource
        // and depositing the payment into it

        let receiver = self.paymentReceiver.borrow()
            ?? panic("failed to borrow payment receiver capability")

        receiver.deposit(from: <-funds)
        let resourceForSale <- self.resourceForSale <- nil
        return <-resourceForSale

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