Block Information

To get information about a block, the functions getCurrentBlock and getBlock can be used:

  fun getCurrentBlock(): Block

Returns the current block, i.e. the block which contains the currently executed transaction.

  fun getBlock(at height: UInt64): Block?

Returns the block at the given height. If the given block does not exist the function returns nil.

The Block type contains the identifier, height, and timestamp:

pub struct Block {
    /// The ID of the block.
    /// It is essentially the hash of the block.
    pub let id: [UInt8; 32]

    /// The height of the block.
    /// If the blockchain is viewed as a tree with the genesis block at the root,
    // the height of a node is the number of edges between the node and the genesis block
    pub let height: UInt64

    /// The view of the block.
    /// It is a detail of the consensus algorithm. It is a monotonically increasing integer
    /// and counts rounds in the consensus algorithm. Since not all rounds result in a finalized block,
    /// the view number is strictly greater than or equal to the block height
    pub let view: UInt64

    /// The timestamp of the block.
    /// It is the local clock time of the block proposer when it generates the block
    pub let timestamp: UFix64

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